The Rickhaus Lab - Shaping Polyaromatic Systems 

Our small group is based in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Geneva, where we join organic synthesis with supramolecular chemistry through molecular topography. What we don't know, we learn. What we can't learn, we create!

We aim to gain a fundamental understanding of carbon-based non-planar morphologies, their dynamic behaviour and the rules that govern supramolecular order. This will give us the ability to build functional materials from the molecular scale. More details on our research mission here.

For more of an idea of what we do, take a look at our publications. If you would like to come and work with us, have a read of our vacancies page. Like graphics? Find some here.

Looking for a Praktika or a Master Thesis? Apply here


17.072024 ... Joe is speaking about electron diffraction for ELDICO AG webinar on saddle shaped systems. Register here

27.03.2024 ...Dr. Mélissa (#4) passed her defense today, the terrifying quartet is complete. Get ready, world!

26.03.2024 ...Mélissas journey into EPR in collab with Sabine Richert & Team was just accepted in Chemical Science. Update: Now as Cover as well! Read more here

14.03.2024 ...Michel just returned from Madrid, where he gave two lectures at IMDEA and UAM on our science and scientific illustration

06.03.2024 ...Dr. Lucía and Dr. Kai have all grown up and become PhDs #2 and #3 to leave the RickhausLab. Big congrats!

01.03.2024 ...We got our very own technician today. Welcome Nicolas! Now we learn how to do things properly...

13.02.2024 ...And one becomes two. Owen finishes his MSc thesis at Oxford and joins us this summer for a PhD. Discover him  here.

31.01.2024 ...Hailing from Bordeaux, Ludmilla has just agreed to join us for a PostDoc starting in April. Welcome! Read more on her here.

30.01.2024 ...we invited the department for an apéro. And people came! Thanks for making us feel welcome here at UniGe the archive

Our Character

Servant Leadership

Disruptive Thinking

A Lab-Culture that Empowers

Diversity = Power 

Succeeding by Trust and Autonomy 

Nurturing Dependable Science

Room to Grow

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